7 분 소요

Parallel Processors from Client to Cloud


여러개 processor에다가 나눠서 각각에서 실행시키도록 한다.

  • 목표: 더 높은 성능을 얻기 위해 여러 컴퓨터를 연결하는 것
    • Multiprocessors
      • 여러개 core에서 골고루 task를 실행
    • Scalability, availability, power efficiency
  • Task-level (process-level) parallelism
    • High throughput for independent jobs
  • Parallel processing program
    • Single program run on multiple processors
  • Multicore microprocessors
    • Chips with multiple processors (cores)

Hardware and Software

  • Hardware
    • Serial: e.g., Pentium 4
    • Parallel: e.g., quad-core Xeon e5345
  • Software
    • Sequential: e.g., matrix multiplication
    • Concurrent: e.g., operating system
  • Sequential/concurrent software can run on serial/parallel hardware
    • Challenge: making effective use of parallel hardware

Parallel Programming

여러개 multiprocessor를 사용해서 parallel programming

여러 개의 processor에다가 각자 할당된 부분만 실행함.

  • Parallel software is the problem
  • Need to get significant performance improvement
    • Otherwise, just use a faster uniprocessor, since it’s easier!
  • Difficulties
    • Partitioning : task를 나누는 것
    • Coordination : 나눠준 결과를 다 받는 것
    • Communications overhead : 통신

Amdahl’s Law




  • To get good speedup on a multiprocessor while keeping the problem size fixed is harder than getting good speedup by increasing the size of the problem.
  • Strong scaling – when speedup can be achieved on a multiprocessor without increasing the size of the problem
  • Weak scaling – when speedup is achieved on a multiprocessor by increasing the size of the problem proportionally to the increase in the number of processors
  • Load balancing is another important factor. Just a single processor with twice the load of the others cuts the speedup almost in half

Scaling Example

  • Workload: sum of 10 scalars, and 10 × 10 matrix sum
    • Speed up from 10 to 100 processors
  • Single processor:
    • Time = (10 + 100) × tadd
  • 10 processors
    • Time = 10 × tadd + 100/10 × tadd = 20 × tadd
    • Speedup = 110/20 = 5.5 (55% of potential)
  • 100 processors
    • Time = 10 × tadd + 100/100 × tadd = 11 × tadd
    • Speedup = 110/11 = 10 (10% of potential)
  • Assumes load can be balanced across processors

  • 걸리는 시간이 110 -> 20 -> 10으로 줄어들었다.
    • 하지만 speedup이 10보다 커질 수는 없다.(bottleneck)

Scaling Example (cont)

  • What if matrix size is 100 × 100?
  • Single processor:
  • Time = (10 + 10000) × tadd
  • 10 processors
  • Time = 10 × tadd + 10000/10 × tadd = 1010 × tadd
  • Speedup = 10010/1010 = 9.9 (99% of potential)
  • 100 processors
  • Time = 10 × tadd + 10000/100 × tadd = 110 × tadd
  • Speedup = 10010/110 = 91 (91% of potential)
  • Assuming load balanced

  • 데이터의 사이즈를 100x100으로 높이니까 91배까지 늘어날 수 있었다.
    • problem 사이즈를 가변적으로 변화시키는 -> weak scaling

Strong vs Weak Scaling

  • Strong scaling: problem size fixed
    • As in example
    • Goal is to run the same problem size faster.
  • Weak scaling: problem size proportional to number of processors
    • Goal is to run larger problem in same amount of time.
    • 10 processors, 10 × 10 matrix
      • Time = (10 + 100/10) × tadd = 20 × tadd
    • 100 processors, 32 × 32 matrix
      • Time = (10 + 1000/100) × tadd = 20 × tadd
    • Constant performance in this example
  • Different approaches depending on the applications

Instruction and Data Streams

  • An alternate classification


  • MIMD 중에 special한 MIMD
    • SPMD: Single Program Multiple Data
      • A parallel program on a MIMD computer
      • Conditional code for different processors
      • 다 똑같은 프로그램이 여러 processor에서 돌고 있다.
        • 프로그램은 같지만 실행되는 부분이 다르다. -> parallel programming


  • Operate elementwise on vectors of data
    • E.g., MMX and SSE instructions in x86
      • Multiple data elements in 128-bit wide registers
  • All processors execute the same instruction at the same time
    • Each with different data address, etc.
  • Simplifies synchronization
  • Reduced instruction control hardware
  • Works best for highly data-parallel applications

Vector Processors

SIMD의 특별한 타입

MIPS의 vector

  • Highly pipelined function units
  • Stream data from/to vector registers to units
    • Data collected from memory into registers
    • Results stored from registers to memory
  • Example: Vector extension to MIPS
    • 32 × 64-element registers (64-bit elements)
    • Vector instructions
      • lv, sv: load/store vector (전부 데이터를 벡터에 load, store)
      • addv.d: add vectors of double (vector가 한 번만 계산이 일어나는 것이 아니라 pipeline식으로 쭉 전체가 계산된다.)
      • addvs.d: add scalar to each element of vector of double
  • Significantly reduces instruction-fetch bandwidth



  • 2 + 512/8 * 9 = 600번에 가깝게 fetch


  • 6번만 하면 됨

Multithreading and Multiprocessing

  • Multithreading and Multiprocessing
    • 하나의 프로세스에서 여러개의
    • 여러 개의 프로세스
    • 프로세스에서도 여러 개의 thread
  • Multithreading: the ability of a CPU (or a single core in a multicore processor) to provide multiple threads of execution concurrently, supported by OS
  • Multiprocessing: include multiple complete processing units in one or more cores
  • As the two techniques are complementary, they are combined in nearly all modern systems architectures with multiple multithreading CPUs and with CPUs with multiple multithreading cores.

Hardware Multithreading (on a Chip)

  • core 안에 여러 개의 thread를 동시에 실행시킬 수 있음
    • hareware support가 되어야 함(register file 복사품이 여러 개 있어야 함, PC도 마찬가지)
  • Performing multiple threads of execution in parallel (to increase the utilization of a single core by using threadlevel and instruction-level parallelism)
    • Hardware must support Replicate register files, PC, etc.
    • And, Fast switching between threads
  • The threads share the resources of a single or multiple cores, which include the computing units, the CPU caches, and the TLB.


Threading on a 4-way Super Scalar Processor

연산 unit이 여러개 들어있는 superscalarprocessor(동시에 fetch)


Coarse MT: 할 수 있는 만큼 다 실행하고 다른 thread 대기

Fine MT: clock level에서 실행

SMT: hazard 등의 이유로 비어 있는 공간에 다른 thread를 실행

Multicore or Multiprocessor

  • Q1 – How do they share data?
  • Q2 – How do they coordinate?
  • Q3 – How scalable is the architecture? How many processors can be supported?

Shared memory

여러 multi processor, 여러 core들이 같은 address의 memory를 동시에 공유

  • Q1 – Single address space shared by all processors
  • Q2 – Processors coordinate/communicate through shared variables in memory (via loads and stores)
    • Use of shared data must be coordinated via synchronization primitives (locks) that allow access to data to only one processor at a time
  • They come in two styles
    • Uniform memory access (UMA) multiprocessors
    • Nonuniform memory access (NUMA) multiprocessors

Example: Sum Reduction

  • Sum 100,000 numbers on 100 processor UMA
    • 각 프로세서마다 1000개 씩
    • Each processor has ID: 0 ≤ Pn ≤ 99
    • Partition 1000 numbers per processor
    • Initial summation on each processor
  • 자기에게 할당된 계산을 각자 계산하고 합침


  • Now need to add these partial sums
    • Reduction: divide and conquer
    • Half the processors add pairs, then quarter, …
    • Need to synchronize between reduction steps

계층적으로 계산 결과를 취합하면서 올라감

Message Passing Multiprocessors(MPP)

shared memory에서는 공통적인 메모리 하나를 여러 프로세서가 공유(확인)

network을 두고 이를 통해서 나눠져 있음 + send/receive protocol

  • Each processor has its own private address space
  • Q1 – Processors share data by explicitly sending and receiving information (message passing)
  • Q2 – Coordination is built into message passing primitives (message send and message receive)

  • 주고 받는 protocol 때문에 느려질 수 있음

  • Message sending and receiving is much slower than addition

    • multi core 방식 같은 경우 SMT 모델을 쓰는 것이 좋고 일반적인 경우는 MPP를 사용한다.
  • But message passing multiprocessors and much easier to design

  • Don’t have to worry about cache coherency

  • Communication is explicit (vs. implicit communication in SMPs)

  • It is harder to port a sequential program to a message passing multiprocessor since every communication must be identified in advance.

  • With cache-coherent shared memory the hardware figures out what data needs to be communicated

Example with 10 processors


최종적으로 master processor(0번 processor)가 취함

MPT and OpenMP in multi-core

  • OpenMP:
    • Interface to threading
    • The code is annotated with special #pragma statements to indicate parallel regions, reductions, synchronization etc.
      • #pragma 는 여기서 부터 parallel 하게 하겟다는 뜻
      • Needs special compiler flags to turn it on. (e.g. –fopenmp)
        • thread를 여러개로
    • Favored in multi-core CPU
    • The performance was better in terms of scalability by increasing the number of cores used and using small and large data sizes.
  • MPI
    • High overhead for communication
    • more dependent on communication because it is the norm for large scale parallel computing that do not use shared memory
    • designed for solving large-scale scientific problems on distributed-memory systems


  • Mpiexec (or mpirun)
    • Can specify hostfiles: mpiexec –hostfile myhostfile ./a.out
    • Can specify number of processes
  • mapping MPI processes to Nodes (processors)
    • reads the number of processes from –np option
    • Determine where the processes will run:
      • Available hosts (or nodes), specified by a hostfile or by the –host option
      • Scheduling the policy (round-robin or by-slot)
      • Default and maximum numbers of slots available on each host

CPU info (example)


  • socket -> cpu가 2개
  • 실제로 cpu의 갯수 -> 56개 -> logical core의 개수를 말함
