[Computer Architecture] System Veriolog
Chapter 4
Computer systems Abstraction
HDL을 할 때는 RTL level에서 함
RTL level: register에 담아놨다가 사용
HDL -> gate level : synthesis
synthesizable한 것에 대해서 simulation.
전체 feature는 simulation을 위한 것.
우리가 관심을 가질 내용은 synthesis보다는 processor를 설계하는 것.(modeling simulation)
HDL to Gates
- Simulation
- Inputs applied to circuit
- Outputs checked for correctness
- Millions of dollars saved by debugging in simulation instead of hardware
- Synthesis
- Transforms HDL code
Blocking vs. Nonblocking Assignment
- <= is nonblocking assignment
- Occurs simultaneously with others
- = is blocking assignment
- Occurs in order it appears in file
- HDL that tests another module: device under test (dut)