7 분 소요


  • Reasoning(추론) - 앞 뒤를 생각해서 이건 이렇게 될 것 같아! 처럼 추측하는 행위
    • deduction, induction, abduction
  • Problem solving - reasoning과는 달리 답이 없는 상태에서 답을 찾아내려고 하는 방식

Deductive Reasoning

  • Deduction(연역): If A, then B
    • Derive logically necessary conclusion from given premises(전제).
      • e.g. If it is Friday then she will go to work
      • It is Friday
      • Therefore she will go to work.
    • Logical conclusion not necessarily true:
      • e.g. If it is raining then the ground is dry
      • It is raining
      • Therefore the ground is dry
  • 꼭 옳다는 것을 의미하는 것은 아님(잘못될 수도 있음)
    • 전제가 틀려있을 수도 있다.

Deduction (cont.)

  • When truth and logical validity clash …

    • 조건이 불충분할 수 있다.
    • e.g. Some people are babies
    • Some babies cry
    • Inference(추론) - Some people cry
    • some 때문에 전체적으로 맞는 경우가 아니라 부분적으로 맞는 경우가 된다.(불충분)


  • People bring world knowledge to bear

Inductive Reasoning(귀납적 추론)

  • Induction: Generalizing from previous cases to learn about new ones
    • Generalize from cases seen to cases unseen
      • case들을 모아 일반화시키는 방식
      • e.g. All elephants we have seen have trunks, therefore all elephants have trunks.
  • Unreliable:
    • Can only prove false, not true – checking all elephants (?)
    • 하나만 잘못된 것을 찾으면 바로 틀린 논제가 되어버림
      • 그래서 이를 증명하려면 모든 경우를 확인해야 함.
    • … but useful!
      • 하지만 효율적임!
  • Humans not good at using negative evidence
    • e.g. Wason’s cards.

Wason’s cards


If a card has a vowel(모음) on one side, it has an even number on the other

Is this true?

How many cards do you need to turn over to find out?

…. and which cards?

  • E를 뒤집으면 반드시 짝수가 있어야 하지만 4를 뒤집었을 땐 모음이 없어도 된다.(조건을 잘 읽으면…)
    • 그런데 사람들은 4뒤에는 모음이 있어야 된다고 착각
  • 이것이 negative evidence!
  • 조건문이 앞에 것이 뒤에 것을 보장하지만 뒤에 것이 앞에 것을 보장하지 않는다.

Abductive Reasoning(가설 유도적 추론)

  • Abduction: Reasoning from a fact back to the action or state that caused it
    • Reasoning from event to cause
      • e.g. Sam drives fast when drunk.
      • If I see Sam driving fast, assume drunk.
  • Unreliable:
    • Can lead to false explanations(가설이기 때문에)

정말 모르겠을 때 추론하는 방법


  • Deductive reasoning is valid
    • Deductive inference guarantees if the premises are true so it the conclusion
  • Inductive and abductive reasoning are unreliable
    • Cannot guarantee true conclusions even with true premises(전제)
    • Inductive reasoning: conclusion merely likely
    • Abductive reasoning: taking your best shot
  • Deductive reasoning is limited to application of rules to examples
  • Inductive and abductive reasoning are important for generating hypotheses

Reasoning (cont.)

  • Humans rely on inductive and abductive inference, as well as deduction
  • Humans regulate inherent unreliability of these reasoning modes
    • Using contextual knowledge
    • Using belief revision
  • Computers rely primarily on deductive inference
    • Although some AI techniques use induction and abduction

Reasoning to Problem-Solving

  • Where reasoning involves inference about a familiar problem domain
  • Problem solving refers to the ability to design solutions to problems in unfamiliar problem domains
  • Humans use at least three types of problem-solving techniques
    • Heuristics (해 보고 판단하는 것)
    • Analogy(유추) and metaphor(비유)
    • Learning

Problem-Solving Techniques

  • Heuristics: using informed trial and error based on rules of thumb
    • 사람이 대충 정해서 하겠다.(사바사)
    • E.g. Chess openings (develop your pieces, gain control of the center of the board)
  • Analogy and metaphor: adapting solutions from one problem domain to another
    • E.g Object-orientation (treating software modules as physical objects)
  • Learning: improving performance by acquiring skills over time with repeated exposure to a problem
    • E.g. Multiply 1496 by 20

How Problem-Solving works

  • Process of finding solution to unfamiliar task using knowledge
    • Storage in LTM, then application of knowledge
  • Observation:
    • People are more heuristic than algorithmic - 사람들은 algorithmic보단 heuristic을 더 좋아함.
      • Try a few quick shots rather than plan because resources are simply not available
    • People often choose suboptimal strategies for low priority problems
      • 우선순위가 낮다고 생각될 수록 대충함
    • People learn better strategies with practice
      • 연습하면 더 좋아짐
  • Several theories.
    • Gestalt
    • Problem Space Theory
    • Analogy
    • Skill Acquisition

Gestalt Theory

  • means “unified whole”
  • Problem solving both productive and reproductive
  • Productive draws on insight and restructuring of problem
  • Attractive but not enough evidence to explain `insight’ etc.
  • Move away from behaviourism and led towards information processing theories
    • 행동주의에서 벗어나 정보처리 이론으로 이어집니다.
  • Principles:
    • Similarity
    • Continuation
    • Closure
    • Proximity (근처에 있는 것일수록)
    • Figure and Ground(foreground, background에 따라서)
  • 전혀 상관없어 보이는 도형일지라도 모이면 무슨 의미인지 알 수 있다.


Problem Space Theory

  • Problem space comprises problem states
    • 문제를 단계적으로 해석
    • state들을 내가 원하는 쪽으로 몰고 감.
  • Problem-solving involves generating states using legal operators
  • Heuristics may be employed in order to select operators
    • e.g. means-ends analysis
    • 수단을 통해 목적을 달성하도록 하는 것
  • Operates within human information processing system
    • e.g. STM limits etc.
    • short term memory가 관여
  • Largely applied to problem-solving in well-defined areas
    • e.g. puzzles rather than knowledge intensive areas

Other Problem Solving Issues

  • Analogy
    • Analogical mapping:
      • Novel problems in new domain?
      • Use knowledge of similar problem from similar domain
    • Analogical mapping difficult if domains are semantically different
      • 의미적으로 다르면 비유적인 mapping 어려움
  • Skill Acquisition
    • Skilled activity characterized by chunking (묶는 행위)
    • Lot of information is chunked to optimize STM
    • Conceptual rather than superficial grouping of problems
      • 문제의 표면적인 그룹화가 아닌 개념적 그룹화
    • Information is structured more effectively

Mental Models

  • How do we understand how the world works?
    • 우리는 세상이 어떻게 돌아가는지 어떻게 이해하는가
    • More than simple memory (단순한 메모리 공간 이상이다.)
    • Includes expectations of behaviour
      • 행동의 기대를 포함
  • I throw a ball at my friend, and she catches it
    • How did I know how hard to throw it?
    • How did she know where to stand to catch it?
  • We have an understanding of the mechanics of the world
    • How objects interact, the relationships between them
    • 물체가 어떻게 상호작용하고 있는지 그 메카닉 적인 부분을 잘 이해하고 있음.

What is a mental model?

  • A cognitive structure that encodes how an aspect of the world operates
  • Includes information about which object classes interact with which other classes
  • Also includes information about how objects interact, and how interactions change properties
  • Malleable(온순한) structures which are strengthened by successful application
    • successful application으로 강화된 온순한 구조

Mental model example

The circle is above and to the right of the square

  • We can ask questions about this situation
    • Which object is to the left?
    • Which object is at the bottom?
    • Would the circle balance on the square?
  • By creating a mental model, these questions are simple to answer
    • Add in knowledge we already have
    • You can simply ‘see’ the answer

How we use mental models

  • We use mental models to generate predictions
    • Predict where the ball will land
  • Expertise is generally associated with mental models closer to reality
    • An expert cricket(크리켓;운동) player understands ball physics better
    • But mental models are always unconscious (‘knowing’ doesn’t help)
  • Mental models are not based on accurate physics
    • Can lead to incorrect predictions
    • Based on experience, etc.
    • Change as they are used
    • 실제로 그렇지 않더라도 경험에 의해서 그렇게 생각이 되어진다.

Expanding mental models

  • HCI researchers have expanded the idea
    • Includes a user’s understanding of the workings of a computing device
    • Expectations of menu structures, where files are stored, etc.
  • In HCI understanding user’s mental models is important
    • Understand how learning a system works
    • Reduce stress/workload by supporting user’s mental models
    • Tailor systems to fit how users perceive the system

Mental models and user-interfaces(UI)

  • Any interface requires a mental model to use
    • What to expect when typing, clicking, etc
    • How to interpret the consequences of actions (e.g. link new window with clicking of the icon)
  • Mental models are important when interface has little feedback
    • Difficult to recognize results
    • Few cues to evaluate the new state of the system
    • Problems with impoverished(궁핍한) devices

Errors and Mental Models

  • Types of Error

    • Slips

      • Right intention, but failed to do it right

      • Causes: poor physical skill, inattention(부주의) etc.
        • 어떻게 하는지 알고 있는지 잘못누름
      • Change to aspect of skilled behaviour can cause slip

      • 잘못누른 것이기 때문에 설명으로 해결되지 않음
  • Mistakes

    • Wrong intention
    • Cause: incorrect understanding (잘못된 이해)
      • humans create mental models to explain behaviour.
      • if wrong (different from actual system) errors can occur
    • 처음부터 이해를 잘못한 것.


  • Various theories of how emotion works
    • James-Lange: emotion is our interpretation of a physiological response to a stimuli
      • 자극에 대해서 신체적 반응이 나타내는 것
    • Cannon: emotion is a psychological response to a stimuli
      • 심리적으로 나타나는 것
    • Schachter-Singer: emotion is the result of our evaluation of our physiological responses, in the light of the whole situation we are in
      • 개가 짖으면 어떤 반응이 보여질 텐데 나중에 가서 ‘아 이게 공포였구나’를 느끼는 것이 감정이다.(?)
  • Emotion clearly involves both cognitive and physical responses to stimuli


Emotion (cont.)

  • The biological response to physical stimuli is called affect
  • Affect influences how we respond to situations
    • positive -> creative problem-solving
    • negative -> narrow thinking
    • “Negative affect can make it harder to do even easy tasks; positive affect can make it easier to do difficult tasks” - Donald Norman
  • Implications for interface design
    • Stress will increase the difficulty of problem-solving
    • Relaxed users will be more forgiving(용서) of shortcomings(결점) in design
    • Aesthetically pleasing and rewarding interfaces will increase positive affect
      • interface의 효율 뿐 아니라 보기 좋은 것 -> positive affect를 주기 때문에

positive affect는 중요하구나!

Individual Differences

  • Long term
    • sex, physical and intellectual abilities
  • Short term
    • effect of stress or fatigue(피로도; 지속적인)
  • Changing
    • age

Ask yourself: will design decision exclude section of user population?

Psychology vs. Design of Interactive System

  • Some direct applications
    • e.g. blue acuity is poor
      • blue should not be used for important detail
  • 눈에 띄면서 자세한 걸 원하면 그린
  • 눈에 확실히 띄게 하려면 레드
  • 블루는 자세한 걸 나타날 때 맹점을 보임
  • However, correct application generally requires understanding of context in psychology, and an understanding of specific experimental conditions
  • A lot of knowledge has been distilled in
    • guidelines
    • cognitive models
    • experimental and analytic evaluation techniques
