14 분 소요


Chapter 7: Synchronization Examples

  • Classic Problems of Synchronization
    • the bounded-buffer synchronization problem
    • the readers-writers synchronization problem
    • The dining-philosophers synchronization problems
  • Synchronization within the Kernel
  • the tools used by Linux and Windows to solve synchronization problems.
  • POSIX Synchronization
  • Synchronization in Java
  • Alternative Approaches

Classical Problems of Synchronization

  • Classical problems used to test newly-proposed synchronization schemes
    • Bounded-Buffer Problem
    • Readers and Writers Problem
    • Dining-Philosophers Problem

Bounded-Buffer Problem

  • n buffers, each can hold one item
    • producer와 consumer간의 shared buffer
    • in, out index로 조절 - full, empty 판단
      • 혹은 count 변수로
  • Semaphore mutex initialized to the value 1 - binary semaphore
    • critical section의 진입 -> 0으로 초기화하면 영원히 못들어감!
    • binary semaphore
  • Semaphore full initialized to the value 0
    • 차있는 slot의 갯수
    • count semaphore -> 0~n
  • Semaphore empty initialized to the value n
    • 비어있는 slot의 갯수
    • count semaphore -> 0~n
  • semaphore
    • 개발자, hardware의 도움이 아닌 OS의 도움!

Bounded Buffer Problem (Cont.)

  • The structure of the producer process


  • common buffer에 삽입하는 부분이 CS임 (add next …)

  • produce가 CS에 들어가면 consumer는 못 들어감
  • wait(empty) - 빈 slot이 없으면 대기(block)
    • empty의 값이 0에서 1로 바뀔 때까지
    • empty의 값이 있기를 기다림 -> 빈 slot이 있기를 기다림
  • wait(mutex)

Bounded Buffer Problem (Cont.)

  • The structure of the consumer process


  • 꺼내오려는데 꺼내올 것이 없으면 대기해야 하기 때문에 wait(full) 값이 0이면 wait한다.
  • full의 값이 있기를 기다림

Readers-Writers Problem

  • A data set is shared among a number of concurrent processes
    • Readers – only read the data set; they do not perform any updates
      • 읽기만 하는 process
      • 여러개가 동시에 있어도 OK
    • Writers – can both read and write
      • 읽기도 하고 쓰기도 하는 프로세스
      • 오직 한 process만 가능
    • readers와 writers가 동시에 있는 것도 불가능
      • 즉 writer가 있으면 무조건 걔만 딱 하나 있어야 함.
  • Determine need for mutex based on nature of processes
    • Readers : allow multiple readers can read data simultaneously
    • Writers : Only one single writer can access the shared data at the same time
      • restrict to 1 at a time (mutex)
      • Also writers should have exclusive access to data
        • Should not have reader reading while writer is writing
        • Readers in CS should block writers from entering CS
        • Writers in CS should block readers and other writers from entering CS
  • Several variations of how readers and writers are considered – all involve some form of priorities

Readers-Writers Problem (Cont.)

  • Shared Data

    • Data set

    • Semaphore rw_mutex initialized to 1 // rw_mutex functions as a mutex semaphore

      ​ // for writers. used by first or last reader

      ​ // that enters or exists cs

      • 1) writers끼리 경쟁
        1. reader vs. writer
      • writer가 경쟁하는 것은 first reader
        • 첫번째 reader가 들어가면 그 다음 reader는 계속 들어가지기 때문에
      • 진입제어 용
    • Semaphore mutex initialized to 1 // mutex is used to ensure mutex when

      ​ // read_count is updated

      • read_count가 바뀔 때 atomic 함을 보장해 주기 위해
    • Integer read_count initialized to 0

      • critical section에 진입을 시도하는 reader process의 갯수
      • read_count 값을 바꾸는 과정이 atomic하지 않는다.
      • 그래서 mutex로 감싸서 atomic operation을 보장한다.
  • The structure of a writer process


  • rw_mutex 값을 1로 초기화
    • critical section을 빠져나오면서 signal(rw_mutex)를 통해 rw_mutex 값이 0에서 1로 바뀌어야지 다른 것들이 들어갈 수 있게 됨.
  • queue를 통해 FCFS 보장

Readers-Writers Problem (Cont.)

  • The structure of a reader process


  • reader가 하나 들어가면 read_count값을 하나 증가시킨다.
  • mutex는 read_count 변수를 update할 때 atomic operation를 보장하기 위해서이므로 wait(mutex) 후에read_count 값을 바꿀 수 있다.
  • read_count == 0
    • CS에 존재하는 reader가 없다.
    • CS를 빠져 나오는 reader가 0
    • signal(rw_mutex) -> 0
    • 이제 writer가 들어갈 수 있음
  • read_count 가 2를 넘어서면 rw_mutex 값을 바꾸지 않기 때문에 계속 들어갈 수 있음

Readers-Writers Problem Variations

  • The solution in previous slide can result in a situation where a writer process never writes. It is referred to as the “First reader-writer” problem.
  • First variation - Reader’s priority(reader에게 유리함)
    • 만약 최초의 CS 진입 경쟁을 할 때 reader가 이겨서 reader가 들어갔다면 그 후에 reader는 계속 들어갈 수 있지만 writer는 못들어감(rw_mutex 값은 read_count가 ==0 일 때만 변경 되기 때문에 )
    • no reader kept waiting unless writer has permission to use shared object
    • No reader should wait simply because a writer is ready
    • Readers obtain access to CS when needed
    • Only block if writer has access to CS
    • Writers may starve
      • -> 근데 writer에게 유리하게 코드를 바꿀 수 있음
  • Second variation - Writer’s priority
    • writer와 reader가 경쟁하면 무조건 writer에게 우선순위
    • once writer is ready, it performs the write ASAP
      • writer님이 들어가고 싶어하십니다! -> reader들은 못들어감
    • If a writer is waiting to access a object, no new readers may start reading
    • Readers may starve
  • Both may have starvation leading to even more variations
  • Problem is solved on some systems by kernel providing reader-writer locks

Dining-Philosophers Problem


  • Philosophers spend their lives alternating thinking and eating
  • Don’t interact with their neighbors, occasionally try to pick up 2 chopsticks (one at a time) to eat from bowl
    • Need both to eat, then release both when done
      • 젓가락 두 개를 모두 집어야 식사 가능 -> 식사 후에 젓가락 내려놓기 가능
      • 한 번에 하나의 젓가락만 집을 수 있음
  • In the case of 5 philosophers
    • Shared data
      • Bowl of rice (data set)
      • Semaphore chopstick [5] initialized to 1
        • binary semaphore

Monitor with condition variables


  • 2개 이상의 process가 monitor 안에서 실행되면 동기화 자체에 문제가 생긴다.

  • initialization code: monitor가 만들어질 때 딱 한 번 실행됨
    • shared data 초기화
  • 사용 중인 모니터에 접근하기를 원해서 대기 중인 프로세스들은 entry queue에서 대기한다.

  • 해당 condition을 기다리는 프로세스들은 condition queue에서 대기한다.

  • next queue의 역할?
    • 다른 프로세스가 모니터 내부에 있어서 잠시 대기하는 큐
    • 모니터 내부 작업 중에 잠시 프로세스가 대기하는 큐
  • 제일 우선순위 높은 ; next queue, entry queue, 새로들어온 애
    • condition queue는 next queue나 entry queue와는 비교 대상이 아님
      • condition이 만족해야만 깨어날 수 있기 때문

Dining-Philosophers Problem Algorithm

  • Semaphore Solution

  • The structure of Philosopher i :

    while (true){ 
        wait (chopstick[i] );
        wait (chopStick[ (i + 1) % 5] );
        /* eat for awhile - critical section*/
        signal (chopstick[i] );
        signal (chopstick[ (i + 1) % 5] );
        /* think for awhile */
  • What is the problem with this algorithm?

    • 모든 다섯명의 철학자가 첫 코드를 실행했다고 했을 때 -> 모두가 젓가락 하나씩을 집으려고 할 때
      • 그 다음 코드를 실행하지 못할 것이기 때문에 deadlock 발생 (코드가 진행이 안 됨)
    • deadlock이 발생하지 않도록 semaphore로 해결할 수도 있음
  • 간단한 솔루션 -> semaphore 사용
    • 철학자는 그 semaphore에 wait()연산을 실행하여 젓가락을 집으려고 시도
    • signal()연산을 수행하여 자신의 젓가락을 내려 놓음
  • 공유 데이터: 밥그릇 (데이터 셋)
    • 1로 초기화된 semaphore -> chopstick[5]
  • 인접한 두 철학자가 동시에 식사하지 않음을 권장
    • 그러나 모두가 동시에 자신의 왼쪽 젓가락을 집는다면?? -> deadlock 발생!
    • 해제가 되려면 누군가는 오른쪽 젓가락을 집어야 되는데 아무도 해제가 될 상황이 없기 때문.
  • 해결안 1)
    • 최대 4명의 철학자들만이 테이블에 동시에 앉을 수 있도록 함
  • 해결안 2)
    • 한 철학자가 젓가락 두 개를 모두 집을 수 있을 때만 젓가락을 집도록 허용
  • 해결안 3)
    • 비대칭 해결안 사용. 홀수 번호의 철학자는 왼쪽 젓가락부터, 짝수 번호의 철학자는 짝수 젓가락부터 집을 수 있다는 rule 적용

Monitor Solution to Dining Philoshophers

monitor DiningPhilosophers
    enum { THINKING; HUNGRY, EATING) state [5] ;
          condition self [5];
          void pickup (int i) { // wait에 해당하는 부분
              state[i] = HUNGRY;
              test(i); // 왼쪽 오른쪽 젓가락 확보를 위한 작업
              if (state[i] != EATING) self[i].wait;
          void putdown (int i) { //signal에 해당하는 부분
              state[i] = THINKING;
              // test left and right neighbors - 내 좌우 사람들 중 나때문에 못먹던 사람 깨우기
              test((i + 4) % 5);
              test((i + 1) % 5);
          void test (int i) { // private 함수(내부용)
              if ((state[(i + 4) % 5] != EATING) && // 나의 왼쪽 철학자가 먹지 않고 있으면서
                  (state[i] == HUNGRY) && // 내가 HUNGRY 상태 이면서
                  (state[(i + 1) % 5] != EATING) )  // 나의 오른쪽 철학자가 먹지 않고 있을 때!
                  state[i] = EATING ;
                  self[i].signal () ;
          initialization_code() { // 생성자
              for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                  state[i] = THINKING; // CS 진입을 시도하지 않은 상태로 초기화
  • monitor instance (앞에 class가 붙었으면 class instance였을 것임)
  • EATING 상태 - CS에 진입한 상태
  • HUNGRY 상태 - CS에 진입하려는 상태
    • 젓가락 확보를 위해 경쟁하고 있는
  • test 함수
    • 내가 밥을 먹으면 내 옆의 철학자는 eating으로 바뀌지 않고 self.wait으로 condition queue에 들어가지기 때문에 즉, wait하고 있기 때문에 마지막에 self[i].signal을 해 주어 깨워준다.
    • 깨어나면 pickup을 넘어갈 수 있기 때문에 critical section인 EAT에 도달할 수 있는 것이다.
  • pickup()
    • 진입을 시도하기 때문에 HUNGRY로 상태를 바꿈.
    • 상태가 EATING이 아니면 self[i].wait
      • condition 변수 - self[i].wait
    • 다른 사람이 self[i].signal을 해야 살아남

Solution to Dining Philosophers (Cont.)

  • Each philosopher “i” invokes the operations pickup() and putdown() in the following sequence:


  • No deadlock, but starvation is possible
    • 도착 순서에 의해서 젓가락을 잡을 수 있는 것이 아니기 때문에 일찍 hungry해도 eating하지 못할 수 있다.
  • mutex 보장
    • 옆사람하고 나하고 동시에 젓가락을 잡는 경우가 생기지 않음
  • progress
    • CS밖에 있는 process 때문에 CS에 못들어가는 일이 발생하지 않음
  • bounded waiting
    • 실패를 하더라도 어느정도 시간 안에 들어가는 것이 보장
  • 위 세가지 조건 모두 만족! by OS

A monitor to allocate single resource

Monitor ResourceAllocation {
    boolean busy; 
    condition x; 
    void acquire (int time){
        if (busy) //resource가 하나밖에 없는데 이미 할당되어져 있는 경우
        busy = true;
    void release() {
        busy = false;
    void init() {
        busy = false;
ResourceAlocation R;

	access the resource //자원 사용 가능

Synchronization Examples - 나 같으면 안 낼 듯…

  • Solaris
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Pthread
  • Java

Solaris Synchronization - XXXX

  • Implements a variety of locks to support multitasking, multithreading (including real-time threads), and multiprocessing
  • Uses adaptive mutexes for efficiency when protecting data from short code segments
    • Starts as a standard semaphore spin-lock - 기본적으로는 spinlock
    • If lock held, and by a thread running on another CPU, spins
    • If lock held by non-run-state thread, block and sleep waiting for signal of lock being released
      • 이게 금방 풀릴 것 같지 않으면 일반적인 semaphore로 동작!
  • Uses condition variables and readers-writers locks when longer sections of code need access to data
  • Uses turnstiles to order the list of threads waiting to acquire either an adaptive mutex or reader-writer lock
    • Turnstiles(회전문) are per-lock-holding-thread, not per-object
    • 먼저 들어온 사람이 먼저 lock 획득
  • Priority-inheritance per-turnstile gives the running thread the highest of the priorities of the threads in its turnstile
    • 어떤 lock에 대해 소유권의 우선순위가 높은 프로세스가 있는데 현재 lock을 소유하고 있는 프로세스는 그것보다 우선순위가 낮을 때 이 우선순위가 낮은 프로세스가 release를 해야 우선순위가 높은 프로세스가 사용하므로
      • 높은 우선순위의 프로세스의 우선순위를 낮은 우선순위의 프로세스에게 잠시 빌려준다!
        • 너 이거 빌려줄테니까 빨리 끝내라 !
  • Uses readers-writers locks when longer sections of code need access to data

Kernel Synchronization - Windows -XXXX

  • Uses interrupt masks to protect access to global resources on uniprocessor systems
  • Uses spinlocks on multiprocessor systems
    • Spinlocking-thread will never be preempted
  • Also provides dispatcher objects user-land which may act mutexes, semaphores, events, and timers
    • The kernel defines a set of object types called kernel dispatcher objects, or just dispatcher objects.
    • Dispatcher objects include timer objects, event objects, semaphore objects, mutex objects, and thread objects.
    • Events
      • An event acts much like a condition variable
    • Timers notify one or more thread when time expired
    • Dispatcher objects either signaled-state (object available) or non-signaled state (thread will block)

  • Every kernel-defined dispatcher object type has a state that is either set to Signaled or set to Not-Signaled.
  • Mutex dispatcher object


어떤 thread가 lock을 획득하면 nonsignaled로 바뀌고 release하면 다시 signaled 상태로 바뀐다.

Linux Synchronization-XXXX

  • Linux:
    • Prior to kernel Version 2.6, Linux was a non-preemptive kernel
      • disables interrupts to implement short critical sections
    • Version 2.6 and later, fully preemptive
      • A task can be preempted when it is running in kernel
  • Linux provides:
    • atomic integers
    • spinlocks
    • semaphores
    • reader-writer versions of both (spinlock, semaphores)
  • On single-CPU system, spinlocks replaced by enabling and disabling kernel preemption

  • atomic variables

  • atomic_t is the type for atomic integer (data type)

  • Simplest synchronization tool within Linux kernel

  • All math operations using atomic integers are performed without interruption

  • Atomic operations do not need the overhead of locking mechanism

  • atomic_t counter;

  • int value


mutex_lock, spin_lock

  • Mutex lock is used to protect critical sections within kernel

    ​ mutex_lock()

    critical section // sleep is possible

    ​ mutex_unlock()

  • Reader-writer version

  • Spin lock & semaphore are used for locking in the kernel

    • On SMP machine, spinlock is a fundamental locking mechanism
    • On single-CPU system, spinlocks is not inappropriate
      • enabling and disabling kernel preemption


Pthread (POSIX) Synchronization

이거는 user level에서의 synchronization 문제 해결하는 tool

  • Pthreads API is OS-independent user level threads
  • Widely used on UNIX, Linux, and macOS
  • It provides:
    • mutex locks
    • Semaphore (named, unnamed)
    • condition variable
  • Non-portable extensions include:
    • read-write locks
    • spinlocks

POSIX Mutex Locks

  • Fundamental synchronization tool used with Pthreads
  • Creating and initializing the lock


  • Acquiring and releasing the lock


POSIX Semaphores

  • POSIX provides two versions – named and unnamed.
  • Named semaphores can be used by unrelated processes, unnamed cannot.

POSIX Named Semaphores

  • Creating an initializing the semaphore:


  • Another process can access the semaphore by referring to its name SEM.
  • Acquiring and releasing the semaphore:


POSIX Unnamed Semaphores

  • Creating an initializing the semaphore:


  • Acquiring and releasing the semaphore:


POSIX Condition Variables

  • Since POSIX is typically used in C/C++ and these languages do not provide a monitor, POSIX condition variables are associated with a POSIX mutex lock to provide mutual exclusion: Creating and initializing the condition variable:


POSIX Condition Variables

  • Thread waiting for the condition a == b to become true:


  • Thread signaling another thread waiting on the condition variable:


Monitor with condition variables


  • 여러 operation들(method)이 있는데 어떤 프로세스가 해당 메소드를 실행할 때는 오로지 한 개씩만 실행이 가능하도록 제어해야 한다.
  • Java에서는 named condition variables이 없고 오직 하나의 unnamed condition variable만이 있다.

Java Synchronization - 여기부터 쭉 XXXX

  • Java provides rich set of synchronization features:
    • Java monitors
    • Reentrant locks
    • Semaphores
    • Condition variables

Java Monitors

  • Concurrency mechanism for thread synchronization
  • Every Java object has associated with it a single lock.
  • If a method is declared as synchronized, a calling thread must own the lock for the object. (single thread can be active in a monitor)
  • If the lock is owned by another thread, the calling thread must wait for the lock until it is released. (entry Q)
  • Locks are released when the owning thread exits the synchronized method.

Bounded Buffer - Java Synchronization


Java Synchronization

  • A thread that tries to acquire an unavailable lock is placed in the object’s entry set: (entry Queue)


  • Similarly, each object also has a wait set. (condition Queue)
  • When a thread calls wait():
    1. It releases the lock for the object
    2. The state of the thread is set to blocked
    3. The thread is placed in the wait set for the object


  • A thread typically calls wait() when it is waiting for a condition to become true.

  • How does a thread get notified?

  • When a thread calls notify(): signal()이랑 동일

    1. An arbitrary thread T is selected from the wait set 
    1. T is moved from the wait set to the entry set

    2. Set the state of T from blocked to runnable.

  • T can now compete for the lock to check if the condition it was waiting for is now true

Bounded Buffer - Java Synchronization



notify()를 바깥으로 뺀 이유는 try안에 있으면 wait() 실행 중에 error 발생시 catch로 넘어가서 nofity()를 실행하지 못하는 경우가 있을 수 있기 때문이다.

Java Reentrant Locks

  • Similar to mutex locks
  • The finally clause ensures the lock will be released in case an exception occurs in the try block.


Java Semaphores

  • Constructor:


  • Usage:


Java Condition Variables

  • condition variables provide similar functionality to wait() & notify()

  • To provide mutual exclusion, a condition variable is associated with an ReentrantLock. (java’s syncronized)

  • Creating a condition variable by first first creating a ReentrantLock: and invoking its newCondition() method of ReentrantLock:


  • A thread waits by calling the await() method, and signals by calling the signal() method of condition variable.

Monitor with condition variables


Java Condition Variables

  • Example: Five threads numbered 0 .. 4
  • Shared variable turn indicating which thread’s turn it is.
  • Thread calls doWork() when it wishes to do some work.
    • But it may only do work if it is their turn.
  • If not their turn, wait
  • If their turn, do some work for awhile ……
  • When completed, notify the thread whose turn is next.
  • Necessary data structures:


Java Condition Variables


Alternative Approaches

  • Transactional Memory
  • OpenMP
  • Functional Programming Languages

Transactional Memory

  • Consider a function update() that must be called atomically. One option is to use mutex locks:


  • Synchronization mechanism such as semaphores, mutex locks has deadlock and scalability problem, as the number of threads increases
  • A memory transaction is a sequence of read-write operations to memory that are performed atomically. A transaction can be completed by adding atomic{S} which ensure statements in S are executed atomically:


  • Software transaction memory
    • Implemented in software
  • Hardware transaction memory
  • Growth of multicore systems and emphasis on concurrent and parallel programming have prompted significant research in this area.


  • OpenMP is a set of compiler directives and API that support parallel progamming.
  • #pragma omp parallel


  • The code contained within the #pragma omp critical directive is treated as a critical section and performed atomically.

Functional Programming Languages

  • Imperative (procedure-oriented) language: C, C++, Java
  • Functional programming languages offer a different paradigm than procedural languages in that they do not maintain state.
  • Variables are treated as immutable and cannot change state once they have been assigned a value.
  • There is increasing interest in functional languages such as Erlang and Scala for their approach in handling data races.
