24 분 소요


Chapter 4: Multithreaded Programming

  • Overview
  • Multicore Programming
  • Multithreading Models
  • Thread Libraries
  • Implicit Threading
  • Threading Issues
  • Operating System Examples
    • Windows XP Threads
    • Linux Threads
    • Java Threads


  • To introduce the notion of a thread
    • a fundamental unit of CPU utilization(CPU 활용의 기본 단위) that forms the basis of multithreaded computer systems
  • To discuss the APIs for the Pthreads, Win32, and Java thread libraries
  • To explore several strategies that provide implicit threading
  • To examine issues related to multithreaded programming
  • To cover operating system support for threads in Windows and Linux


  • Most modern applications are multithreaded
    • Threads run within application
  • Many s/w packages that run on modern desktop PCs are multithreaded
    • An application is implemented as a separate process with several threads of control
    • concurrently 실행!!!!!!!
    • A web browser might have one thread display images or text
      • While another thread retrieves(검색) data from network
      • And another update display
      • Answer a network request
    • Word processor may have a thread for displaying graphics
      • Another thread for reading keystrokes
      • Another for performing spelling checking in the background
  • Web server
    • A web server accepts client requests for web pages
    • A busy web server may have several clients concurrently accessing
  • RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
    • RPC severs are multithreaded

Thread - motivation

  • Process creation is heavy-weight while thread creation is light-weight
  • Can simplify code, increase efficiency
  • OS Kernels are also generally multithreaded

Multithreaded Server Architecture



  • Process is an executing program with a single thread of control
  • Modern OS allows for a process to contain multiple threads of control

  • A thread (or lightweight process) is a basic unit of CPU utilization; it consists of:
  • Thread ID, program counter
  • register set
  • stack space
  • A thread shares with its peer threads its: (시험)
  • code section
  • data section
  • operating-system resources such as open files and signals
  • A traditional or heavyweight process is equal to a task with one thread

Multiple Threads within a Task


  • In a multiple threaded task, while one server thread is blocked and waiting, a second thread in the same task can run.
    • Cooperation of multiple threads in same job confers higher throughput and improved performance.
    • Applications that require sharing a common buffer (i.e., producer-consumer) benefit from thread utilization.
  • Threads provide a mechanism that allows sequential processes to make blocking system calls(ex. syscall) while also achieving parallelism.

Single and Multithreaded Processes


  • code, data, files는 여러 프로세스가 생겨도 공유된다.
  • 하지만 각 프로세스 별로 실행되는 내용은 다르기 때문에 registers와 stack은 따로 따로 갖게 된다.(시험)

Benefits of multithreaded programming

  • Responsiveness (시험)
    • Allow a program to continue running even if part of it is blocked or is performing a lengthy operation
    • Multithreaded web browser allow user interaction in one thread while an image is being loaded in another thread
  • Resource Sharing
    • Threads share the memory and resources of the process
    • threads share resources of process, easier than shared memory or message passing
      • Threads make IPC easier
    • Code sharing allows an application to have several threads within same address space
  • Economy
    • Allocating resources for process creation is costly
    • More economical to create and context switch threads (resource sharing)
    • In solaris 2, creating process is about 30 times slower than is creating a thread, context switching is about 5 times slower
  • Scalability
    • process can take advantage of multiprocessor architectures Utilization of MP Architectures
    • Benefits of multiprogramming can be greatly increased in MP architecture, where each thread may be running in parallel on a different processor
    • A single threaded process can only run on one CPU, no matter how many are available
    • Multithreading on a multi-CPU machine increases concurrency
    • In a single-processor architecture, the CPU moves between each thread as to create an illusion of parallelism, but in reality only one thread is running at a time (pseduo parallel)

Thread of control 이 1개라면

① ② ③ ④

=> 와 같이 도는데 (1번이 실행되는 동안 아래는 실행이 안 됨)

Thread of control 이 많다면

① ② ③ ④

=> 와 같이 돌 수 있다. (concurrency 보장)

  • 사용자 입장에서 1번을 실행하면서 다른 2,3,4,번도 실행되는게 눈에 보임

Multicore Programming

  • Single CPU -> multi CPU -> multi-core CPU on single CPU chip
  • Each core appears as a separate CPU to OS (4core -> OS가 보기에 4CPU)
  • Multi-threaded programming can provide Improved concurrency on multi-core system
    • Concurrency means Parallelism
      • a system can perform more than one task simultaneosly
    • Concurrnecy means pseudo-parallelism
      • supports more than one task making progress (계속해서 진전이 이루어진다는 점)
      • Single processor / core, (OS)scheduler providing concurrency
  • Multicore systems putting pressure on programmers, challenges include:
    • Dividing activities - identify task that can run in parallel on individual core.
      • Each task should be independent to be executed on parallel
    • Balance (한 core가 너무 많은 하지 않도록 load를 골고루 분배하는 것)
    • Data splitting
    • Data dependency - when one task depends on data from another, execution of tasks should be synchronized to accommodate data dependency
    • Testing and debugging
  • Parallelism implies a system can perform more than one task simultaneously

  • Types of parallelism
    • Data parallelism - distributes subsets of the same data across multiple cores, same operation on each (시험)
      • 1부터 100을 더하라고 했다면 학생1은 1~10까지 더하고 학생2는 11~20까지 더하는 예와 같음
      • core가 실행하는 프로그램은 같은데 수행하는 데이터가 다르다
    • Task parallelism - distributing threads across cores, each thread performing unique operation
      • 같은 데이터에 대해서 다른 task를 수행하는
  • As # of threads grows, so does architectural support for threading
    • CPUs have cores as well as hardware threads
    • Consider Oracle SPARC T4 with 8 cores, and 8 hardware threads per core (OS관점 64개 CPU가 있다고 생각)


Concurrency vs. Parallelism

  • Concurrent execution on single-core system:
    • image-20220926165019134
  • Parallelism on a multi-core system:
    • image-20220926165044709

Amdahl’s Law

  • Identifies performance gains from adding additional cores to an application that has both serial and parallel components
  • S is serial portion (병렬 불가능한 것의 비율)
  • 1-S is 병렬할 수 있는
  • N processing cores


  • I.e. if application is 75% parallel / 25% serial, moving from 1 to 2 cores results in speedup of 1.6 times, 2.28 times with 4 cores

  • N = 1: speedup = 1

    • No speedup
  • N = 2: speedup = 1.6

  • As N approaches infinity, speedup approaches 1 / S

    • if 50% serial, max speedup is 2.0

    Serial portion of an application has disproportionate effect on performance gained by adding additional cores

  • But does the law take into account contemporary multicore systems?!!!!!!!! (시험)

User Threads and Kernel Threads

  • User threads - management done by user-level threads library
    • No kernel support
  • Three primary thread libraries:
    • POSIX Pthreads
    • Windows threads
    • Java threads
  • Kernel threads - Supported by the Kernel(OS)
  • Examples – virtually all general purpose operating systems, including:
    • Windows
    • Solaris
    • Linux
    • Tru64 UNIX
    • Mac OS X

User Level Threads

  • Thread management done by user-level threads library
  • Three primary thread libraries:
    • POSIX Pthreads
    • Win32 threads
    • Java threads
  • supported above the kernel, via a set of thread library calls at the user level (Project Andrew from CMU).
  • The library supports for thread creation, scheduling in user space with no kernel support
  • Kernel is unaware of user-level threads, so fast
    • Drawbacks
      • If the kernel is single threaded, then any user-level thread performing a blocking system call will cause the entire process to block, even if other threads are available to run within the application

Kernel Threads

  • Kernel-supported Threads Supports for threads is provided by OS
    • The kernel performs thread creation, scheduling in kernel space
    • 단점: Generally slower to manage threads than user thread
    • 장점: But, if a thread performs a blocking system call, the kernel can schedule another thread for execution
    • In MP environment, the kernel can schedule threads on different processors
    • Examples – virtually all general purpose operating systems, including:
      • Windows XP/2000, Solaris, Linux, Tru64 UNIX, Mac OS X
  • Hybrid approach implements both user-level and kernel-supported threads (Solaris 2).
  • Java thread on JVM

User Thread와 Kernel Thread가 다른 점

  • User thread는 thread library에 의해 thread가 관리되지만 Kernel thread는 OS에 의해 관리된다.
  • 스레드가 blocking system call을 수행할 때 User thread는 전체 process가 block되지만 Kernel thread는 또실행 중인 다른 스레드를 스케줄링 할 수 있다.

Multithreading Models

  • Many systems provide support both user and kernel threads, resulting in different multithreading models

  • Many-to-One
  • One-to-One
  • Many-to-Many

Multithreading Models


  • Many user-level thread mapped to single kernel thread.
    • 오직 하나의 kernel thread에 맵핑!
  • Thread management is done in user space, so efficient
    • 커널 부담이 없는 것이 장점
  • Because only one thread can access the kernel at a time, multiple threads are unable to run in parallel on MPs (시험)
    • Multiple threads may not run in parallel on muticore system because only one may be in kernel at a time
    • Allows the developer to create as many user threads, however, true concurrency is not gained because kernel can schedule only one thread at a time
  • Overhead - but entire process will block if a thread makes a blocking system call
    • One thread blocking causes all to block
  • Used on systems that do not support kernel threads (user-level thread libraries) – Few systems currently use this model
  • Examples:
    • Solaris Green Threads
    • GNU Portable Threads

Multithreading Models: Many-to-One Model


  • 4개의 thread 중 어느 thread가 실행되기 위해서 하나의 kernel thread에 할당이 되어야 한다.
    • 그러면 kernel은 하나가 돌든 두개가 돌든 전체의 user thread를 하나의 thread로 간주하게 된다.
  • kernel thread가 하나의 single thread이면 위의 4개의 user thread 중 하나만 block이 되더라도 나머지가 다 block이 되어 버리게 되는 문제가 있을 수 있다.

One-to-one Model

  • many-to-one보다 concurrency가 극대화

  • Each user-level thread maps to kernel thread.
  • Creating a user-level thread creates a kernel thread
  • provides more concurrency than many-to-one model by allowing another thread to run when a thread makes a blocking system call or by allowing multiple threads to run in parallel (concurrently) on MPs
  • Disadv.
    • -> creating a user thread requires creating the corresponding kernel thread,
      • 커널의 부담이 크다. user level thread의 갯수만큼 thread of control을 요구한다.
    • -> Number of threads per process sometimes restricted due to overhead
      • 그 갯수를 지원해 주는데 한계가 있기 때문에 mapping이 불가능한 경우가 생길 수 있다.
  • Examples
    • Windows NT/XP/2000, Linux, Solaris 9 and later, OS/2


Many-to-Many Model

  • one-to-one과 many-to-many의 장단점을 섞은 model
    • ono-to-one을 쓰고 싶은데 여기서 커널의 부담을 줄이는
  • Allows many user level threads to be mapped to a smaller or equal number of kernel threads.
    • 유저의 모든 thread를 받아들이는 것이 아니라 kernel의 입장에서 무리가 가지 않는 수만큼의 thread를 지원.
      • 작거나 같은 숫자만큼만.
  • Allows the operating system to create a sufficient number of kernel threads.
  • In many-to-one model, true concurrency is not gained because kernel can schedule only one thread at a time
  • One-to-one model allows greater concurrency, but, overhead of creating kernel threads can burden the performance of an application
  • Solaris prior to version 9
  • Windows NT/2000 with the ThreadFiber package
  • Solaris 2, IRIX, HP-UX, True64 Unix


Two-level Model

  • many-to-one + one-to-one
  • Similar to M:M, except that it allows a user thread to be bound to kernel thread
  • 중요한 thread는 100% mapping을 보장시켜주고 나머지 중요하지 않은 thread는 many-to-one으로 mapping
  • Examples
    • IRIX
    • HP-UX
    • Tru64 UNIX
    • Solaris 8 and earlier


Thread Libraries

  • Thread library provides programmer with API for creating and managing threads
  • Two primary ways of implementing
    • Library entirely in user space
    • Kernel-level library supported by the OS


  • May be provided either as user-level or kernel-level
  • A POSIX standard (IEEE 1003.1c) API for thread creation and synchronization
  • A specification for thread behavior, not an implementation
    • API specifies behavior of the thread library, implementation is up to development of the library.
  • Common in UNIX operating systems (Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X)

  • 유저레벨에도 가능, 커널레벨에도 가능
  • pthreads는 인터페이스는 맞추지만, 구현상은 알아서 하라고 하는 것 => 규격. input, output, 와꾸만 맞추는 것

Pthreads Example



  • pthread_create: fork()와 유사한

  • pthread_join: wait()과 유사한

  • OS가 제공하는 system call과 / 구현을 누가했냐의 차이지 같은 개념이다.

  • pthread_attr : attribute를 표현한 자료구조
  • pthread_attr_init(&attr) => attribute를 default 값으로 설정해줘
  • pthread_create() : &tid -> 여기에 스레드 아이디 좀 써줘 (받는 것)
  • &attr : 스레드에게 attr 값들을 넘겨주는 것 (주는 것)
  • runner : 함수 -> 실제로 도는 함수
  • argv[1] : 넘겨주는 param
  • pthread_join() : wait()와 기본적으로 같지만, 이건 library가 제공하는 API
    • wait()는 System call
  • pthread_exit() : library가 제공하는 API
    • exit() : System call
    • 하는 일은 같다

(시험) 코드 돌려보기

Pthreads Code for Joining 10 Threads


Win32 API Multithreaded C Program



  • CreateThread
  • WaitForSingleObject

Java Threads

  • Most PL(Programming Language) do not enable programmers to specify concurrent activities except Ada
    • Generally concurrency has been implemented as OS primitives
    • C , C++ programs can perform multithreading by using platform-specific code libraries
  • Java provide supports at the language level
  • threads are managed by the JVM not by user library or kernel.
    • 자바는 JVM에 의해 관리되기 때문에 kernel이나 library에 종속적이지 않다.
    • 그러나 OS에 의해 실행되기 때문에 JVM 자체는 하나의 kernel thread로 mapping 되기 때문에 종속적이다.
    • Typically implemented using the threads model provided by underlying OS
  • Java threads may be created by: (시험 X)
    • (1) Extending Thread class - creating a new class that is derived from the Thread class, and to override the run method of the Thread class
    • (2) Implementing the Runnable interface


Multi-threaded program for Summation of a non-negative integer

class Summation extends Thread
    public Summation (int n) {
        upper = n;
    public void run ( ) {
        int sum = 0;

        if ( upper > 0 ) {
            for ( int i = 1; i <= upper; i++)
                sum += i ;
        System.out.println (the sum of +upper+ is  +sum);

    private int upper;
class Summation extends Thread
    public Summation (int n) {
        upper = n;
    public void run ( ) {
        int sum = 0;

        if ( upper > 0 ) {
            for ( int i = 1; i <= upper; i++)
                sum += i ;
        System.out.println (the sum of +upper+ is  +sum);

    private int upper;

public class ThreadTester
    public static void main (String[] args){
        if (args.length > 0){
            Summation thrd = new Summation (Integer.parseInt (args[0]));
            thrd.start(); //create thread//
            System.err.println("usage: Summation <integer value>");

  • start method
    • Allocates memory and initializes a new thread in JVM
    • Calls run method, making the thread eligible to be run by JVM

Multiple threads

public class ThreadTester {
    Public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
        PrintThread thread1 = new PrintThread ( thread1 );
        PrintThread thread2 = new PrintThread ( thread2 );
        PrintThread thread3 = new PrintThread ( thread3 );
        System.err.println ("starting threads");
        thread1.start( ); thread2.start( ); thread3.start( );
        System.err.println (threads started, main ends \n threads );
class PrintThread extends Thread {
    private int sleepTime;
    public PrintThread ( String name ){
        super (name);
        sleepTime = (int) (math.random() * 5001 );
    public void run ( ) {
        try {System.err.println (getName() + going to sleep for  + sleepTime);
             Threads.sleep (sleepTime);
        System.err.println (getName() + done sleeping  );

객체를 여러개 만듦.

Java Multithreaded Program (Runnable Interface 구현상속)


Java Multithreaded Program (Cont.)


Java Thread States

  • Blocked : waiting (wait) -> notify, notifyall, T/O interrupt
    • sleeping (sleep) -> sleep interval expire interupt
    • blocked (io, synch) -> i/o complete, lock acqusition interrupt
  • Runnable: ready -> running : thread dispatch
    • running -> ready : quantum expire, yield


스레드 상태와 생명 주기


    • 준비(process state 중 ready state)
    • 실행 중(process state 중 running state)
  • WAITING과 BLOCK이 구분되어 있음
    • process에서는 I/O든 interrupt 든 wating으로 묶었음
  • 다른 thread가 notify 메소드를 호출하여 waiting thread를 깨운다.

JVM & Host OS

  • JVM is on top of a host OS
    • Allows the JVM to hide the implementation details of underlying OS
    • Provide a consistent, abstract environment that allows java programs to operate on any platform that supports a JVM
  • JAVA spec. does not specify how java threads are to be mapped to OS
    • Windows 95/98/NT/2000 use one-to-one model - each java thread for a JVM maps to a kernel thread
    • Solaris 2 implements JVM as many-to-one model
      • With Solaris 2.6, JVM was implemented using many-to-many model

Linux Thread States


running 상태에서 일정 시간 이상 머물게 되면 강제로 ready state로 보낸다.(뒷장에서 배울 preemption)

Implicit Threading

  • 스레드의 관리를 컴파일러나 Run-time library가 관리를 하고, 어플리케이션 개발자들이 이런 걸 신경 쓰지 않게 하기 위함

  • Growing in popularity as numbers of threads increase, program correctness more difficult with explicit threads
    • 버그를 찾는 것이 어려워짐
    • explicit threads: 프로그램을 작성한 사용자가 직접 실행한 thread
  • Creation and management of threads done by compilers and run-time libraries rather than programmers
    • -> implicit thread
    • 개발자들이 따로 명시하지 않아도 사실 스레드가 진행되고 있어서 Implicit Threading임
  • Three methods explored (아래에서 이에 대한 자세한 설명이 나오는데 이는 시험 X)
    • Thread Pools
    • OpenMP
    • Grand Central Dispatch
  • Other methods include Microsoft Threading Building Blocks (TBB), java.util.concurrent package

Thread Pools

  • Create a number of threads in a pool where they await work - thread 그릇은 사전에 만들어 놓는 것
  • Advantages:
    • Usually slightly faster to service a request with an existing thread than create a new thread
    • Allows the number of threads in the application(s) to be bound to the size of the pool
    • Separating task to be performed from mechanics of creating task allows different strategies for running task
      • i.e.Tasks could be scheduled to run periodically
  • Windows API supports thread pools:



  • Set of compiler directives and an API for C, C++, FORTRAN
  • Provides support for parallel programming in shared-memory environments
  • Identifies parallel regions – blocks of code that can run in parallel

image-20220926172027205 image-20220926172036706

Grand Central Dispatch

  • Apple technology for Mac OS X and iOS operating systems
  • Extensions to C, C++ languages, API, and run-time library
  • Allows identification of parallel sections
  • Manages most of the details of threading
  • Block is in “^{ }”
    • ex) ˆ{ printf("I am a block"); }
  • Blocks placed in dispatch queue
    • Assigned to available thread in thread pool when removed from queue
  • Two types of dispatch queues:
    • serial – blocks removed in FIFO order, queue is per process, called main queue
      • Programmers can create additional serial queues within program
    • concurrent – removed in FIFO order but several may be removed at a time


Threading Issues

  • Semantics of fork() and exec() system calls.
    • 둘이 같은가 다른가?
  • Thread cancellation.
    • Asynchronous or deferred
  • Signal handling
    • Synchronous and asynchronous
  • Thread pools
  • Thread specific data
    • Create Facility needed for data private to thread
    • 데이터지만 스레드 간에 공유하지 않는 데이터의 issue
  • Scheduler activations

fork() and exec() system calls

  • In a multithreaded program, the semantics of fork, exec change
  • Does fork() duplicate only the calling thread or all threads?
    • fork는 프로세스를 만들어내는 것인데 fork를 하는 경우 그 안의 존재하는 모든 thread를 복제해야 하는가?
    • If one thread in a program calls fork, does the new process duplicate all threads or is the new process single-threaded ?
  • Unix has 2 versions
    • One that duplicates all threads
    • Another that duplicates only the thread that invoked fork
  • Exec() usually works as normal – replace the running process including all threads (process 동작과 거의 동일)
    • If a thread invokes the exec system call, the program specified in the parameter to exec will replace the entire process (all threads)
    • 코드 자체는 공유되기 때문에
  • exec()을 호출하냐 안하냐에 따라 달라짐
    • 호출하면 주소공간이 바뀌기 때문에 어차피 바꿀건데 뭐하러 모든 스레드를 복사함?
    • 호출하지 않으면 그냥 그대로 모든 스레드를 복제하는 것이다.

Thread cancellation (1/2)

  • abort() 느낌

  • Task of terminating a thread before it has completed
  • Ex) multiple threads are concurrently searching through a DB and one thread returns the result.
    • A thread that is to be cancelled is referred to as target thread
    • 예를 들어 DB 검색을 목적으로 멀티스레드를 만들었다면,, DB의 여러 섹션을 스레드마다 검색. => 한 스레드가 원하는 데이터를 찾았다!! -> 나머지 스레드들을 종료시켜야 한다. ==> 아! 이래서 필요하구나!!
  • Two general approaches:
    • Asynchronous cancellation -> one thread immediately terminates the target thread
      • 자원 반납할 여유도 없이 terminate, 왜 죽는 지도 모르고 즉사
    • Deferred cancellation -> the target thread can periodically check if it should terminate, allowing the target thread an opportunity to terminate itself in an orderly fashion
      • Flag checking
      • 자원 반납(뒷정리)을 스스로하게 될 여유를 줌.
        • ex) cleanup routine
      • target thread가 자신이 주기적으로 내가 죽어야 되나 말아야 되나를 체크
        • 죽어야 된다고 판단 시 스스로 종료
  • Pthread code to create and cancel a thread:


  • Invoking thread cancellation requests cancellation, but actual cancellation depends on thread state


  • If thread has cancellation disabled, cancellation remains pending until thread enables it
  • Default type is deferred (연기된, 뒷정리를 하고 죽는)
    • Cancellation only occurs when thread reaches cancellation point
      • 반드시 cancellation point가 정의 되어 있어야 함.
    • I.e. pthread_testcancel()
    • Then cleanup handler is invoked
  • On Linux systems, thread cancellation is handled through signals

  • How about the resources that are allocated to the thread?
  • If a thread was cancelled while in the middle of updating data it is sharing with other threads?
    • With asynchronous cancellation, OS may not free a system-wide resource
    • With synchronous cancellation, cancellation points should be defined

Signal handling (1/3)

  • A signal is used to notify a process that a particular event has occurred

    • A signal is generated by the occurrence of a particular event
    • A generated signal is delivered to a process
    • Once delivered, the signal must be handled by one of two signal handlers:

      1. default
      2. user-defined
  • Delivery of signal can be done either synchronously or asynchronously

    • Synch: illegal memory access, division by zero
      • signal is delivered to the same process that performed the operation causing the signal
    • Asynch: generated by an event external to a running process
      • Terminating a process ctrl + c
      • Typically asynchronous signals are sent to another process

Signal handling (2/3)

  • Every signal may be handled by
    • A default signal handler
    • A user-defined handler (우선 순위가 더 높음)
  • Every signal has a default signal handler that is run by the kernel
  • The default signal handler is overridden by a user-defined signal handler
    • user defined signal handler가 있다면 ! default 무시 -> user defined 실행
  • Handling signals in single-threaded programs is straightforward
    • Signals are always delivered to a process

Signal handling (3/3)

  • Where then should a signal be delivered for multi-threaded?
    • Deliver the signal to the thread to which the signal applies
      • Synchronous signal
      • 직접적 연결이 있는 thread에 signal 전달하는
    • Deliver the signal to every thread in the process
      • Asynchronous signal such as c
    • Deliver the signal to certain threads in the process
      • Some unix allows a thread to specify which signals it will accept or and which it will block
      • Delivered only to the first thread found in a process that is not blocking the signal
    • Assign a specific thread to receive all signals for the process
      • Solaris 2
  • Window 2000 : asynchronous procedure call (APC)
    • Allows a user thread to specify a function that is to be called when the user thread receives notification of a particular event
    • Similar to asynchronous signal

Overlapped 모델(II)


Thread pools

  • Scenario of multithreading a web server
    • Creating a separate thread is superior to separate process
    • But, it also has problems
      • Time required to create the thread
        • 프로세스보다(fork()) 시간이 적게 걸리지만 스레드 생성에 시간이 오래 걸림
      • Unlimited thread creation could exhaust system resources
        • 클라이언트의 요구가 몇 개가 들어올 지 모름
  • Create a number of threads at process startup and place them in pool
  • Advantages:
    • Usually slightly faster to service a request with an existing thread than create a new thread
    • Allows the number of threads in the application(s) to be bound to the size of the pool
  • 스레드가 할 일을 다 하면 죽는 것이 아니라 다시 thread pool로 돌아가는 것

Thread-specific data (Thread-Local Storage)

  • 멀티스레드에서 한 프로세스 내의 모든 스레드는 메모리를 공유한다!! 하지만, 각 스레드는 자기 고유의 데이터가 필요하다.

  • Threads belonging to a process share the data of the process
    • Benefits of multithreaded programming
  • However, 때때로, each thread might need its own copy of certain data
    • Allows each thread to have its own copy of data
    • Thread-local storage (TLS) allows each thread to have its own copy of data
    • Most thread libraries provide the thread-specific data
    • Win32, Pthreads, Java
    • Useful when you do not have control over the thread creation process (i.e., when using a thread pool)
  • Different from local variables
  • Local variables visible only during single function invocation
    • TLS visible across function invocations (함수 호출 ~ 리턴까지); 함수가 종료해도 남아있음
    • Similar to static data in C
  • TLS is unique to each thread

Scheduler Activations(시험)

  • Both M:M and Two-level models require communication to maintain the appropriate number of kernel threads allocated to the application
  • Typically use an intermediate(중간) data structure between user and kernel threads - lightweight process (LWP)
    • Appears to be a virtual processor on which process can schedule user thread to run
    • Each LWP attached to kernel thread
    • How many LWPs to create?
  • Scheduler activations provide upcalls - a communication mechanism from the kernel to the thread library
    • upcall: 커널에서 스레드 라이브러리에 전달하는 통신 메커니즘
      • 몇 개 필요한지 물어봐서 그 갯수에 해당하는 커널 스레드를 만들거나 회수해 준다.
  • This communication allows an application to maintain the correct number kernel threads
  • 즉, 커널 스레드 개수를 동적으로 control
    • 로드가 적을 때는 개수를 적게, 로드가 많을 때는 개수가 많게


Threads Support in Solaris 2

  • Solaris 2 is a version of UNIX with support for threads at the kernel and user levels, symmetric multiprocessing, and real-time scheduling.
  • Implements many-to-many model Implements the Pthread API, UI threads
    • User level threads with a library containing APIs for thread creation and management
    • Developers opt for Pthread library

Threads Support in Solaris 2

  • LWP – intermediate level between user-level threads and kernel-level threads.
    • Each process contains at least one LWP
    • Thread library multiplexes user-level threads on the pool of LWPs for the process
    • Only user-level threads currently connected to an LWP accomplish work
    • The rest one are either blocked or waiting for an LWP on which they can run
  • Kernel-level thread
    • Each LWP has an kernel-level thread
    • Some kernel-level threads run on the kernel’s behalf and have no associated LWP (a thread to service disk request)
    • The only objects scheduled for CPU
  • User-level threads may be either bound or unbound
  • A bound thread
    • permanently attached to an LWP
    • Runs on the LWP, and by request the LWP can be dedicated to a single processor
    • Binding a thread is useful in situations that require quick response time, such as real-time app.
  • An unbound thread (default)
  • is not permanently attached to an LWP
  • All unbound threads in an application are multiplexed onto the pool of available LWPS for the application

Solaris 2 Threads


Data structures to implement threads on Solaris 2

  • Kernel thread:
    • small data structure and a stack
    • Copy of kernel registers
    • A pointer to LWP to which it is attached
    • A priority
  • LWP: kernel data structures
    • register set for the user-level thread it is running
    • accounting and memory information
    • switching between LWPs is relatively slow.
  • User-level thread: exists in user space
    • Thread ID, register set including PC and SP
    • Stack, priority for scheduling
    • no kernel involvement means fast switching.

Solaris 2 Process


Windows Threads

  • Windows implements the Windows API – primary API for Win 98, Win NT, Win 2000, Win XP, and Win 7
  • Implements the one-to-one mapping, kernel-level
    • Each user-level thread maps to an associated kernel thread
  • Each thread contains
    • a thread id
    • register set representing state of processor
    • separate user and kernel stacks for when thread runs in user mode or kernel mode
    • private data storage area used by run-time library and dynamic link libraries (DLLs)
  • The register set, stacks, and private storage area are known as the context of the threads
  • The primary data structures of a thread include:
    • ETHREAD (executive thread block) – includes pointer to process to which thread belongs and to KTHREAD, in kernel space
    • KTHREAD (kernel thread block) – scheduling and synchronization info, kernel-mode stack, pointer to TEB, in kernel space
    • TEB (thread environment block) - thread id, user-mode stack, thread-local storage, in user space

Windows XP Threads Data Structures



프로세스와 스레드 (1/2)

  • 용어
    • 프로세스(process)
      • 메모리를 비롯한 각종 리소스를 담고 있는 컨테이너(container)로서 정적인 개념
    • 스레드(thread)
      • 실제 CPU 시간을 할당받아 수행되는 실행 단위로서 동적인 개념
    • 주 스레드(primary thread)
      • main() 또는 WinMain() 함수에서 시작되는 스레드로, 프로세스가 시작할 때 생성
    • 컨텍스트 전환(context switch)
    • CPU와 운영체제의 협동으로 이루어지는 스레드 실행 상태의 저장과 복원 작업

프로세스와 스레드 (2/2)


Process와 Thread


  • thread마다 stack에 대한 정보가 복제된다.
    • 스택만 별도로 복제, 다른 건 공유

스레드 생성과 종료 (1/6)

  • 스레드 생성에 필요한 요소
    • 스레드 함수(thread function)의 시작 주소
    • 스레드 함수 실행시 사용할 스택 영역의 크기

스레드 생성과 종료 (2/6)

  • 프로세스의 주소 공간
    • 두 개의 함수
    • 세 개의 스레드


  • main 함수의 thread - primary thread

스레드 생성과 종료 (3/6)

  • CreateThread() 함수 (API)
    • 스레드를 생성한 후 스레드 핸들(thread handle)을 리턴


스레드 생성과 종료 (4/6)

  • 스레드 함수 정의


스레드 생성과 종료 (5/6)

  • 스레드 종료 방법 (4가지 경우)

    ① 스레드 함수가 리턴

    ② 스레드 함수 내에서 ExitThread() 함수를 호출

    • exit()

    ③ TerminateThread() 함수를 호출

    • kill(), abort()

    ④ 주 스레드가 종료하면 모든 스레드가 종료

스레드 생성과 종료 (6/6)

  • 스레드 종료 함수


#include <windows.h>
struct Point3D
    int x, y, z;
    Point3D *pt = (Point3D *)arg;
        printf("Running another thread: %d, %d, %d\n",
               pt->x, pt->y, pt->z);
    return 0;
int main()
    // 첫 번째 스레드 생성
    Point3D pt1 = {10, 20, 30};
    DWORD ThreadId1;
    HANDLE hThread1 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyThread,
                                   (LPVOID)&pt1, 0, &ThreadId1);
    if(hThread1 == NULL) return -1;
    // 두 번째 스레드 생성
    Point3D pt2 = {40, 50, 60};
    DWORD ThreadId2;
    HANDLE hThread2 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyThread,
                                   (LPVOID)&pt2, 0, &ThreadId2);
    if(hThread2 == NULL) return -1;
    while(1){ //무한루프
        printf("Running primary thread...\n");
    return 0;

main thread, T1, T2 총 세 thread가 실행 중임

Linux Threads

thread냐 process냐는 공유정보가 무엇인가에 따라 달라진다.

  • Linux refers to them as tasks rather than threads
  • struct task_struct points to process data structures (shared or unique)
  • Linux provides a fork system call with the traditional functionality of duplicating a process

  • Thread creation is done through clone() system call.
    • clone behaves much like fork, except that instead of creating a copy of the calling process, it creates a separate process that shares the address space of the calling process
    • A cloned task behaves like a separate thread
    • clone() allows a child task to share the address space of the parent task (process)
    • In case of clone, Sharing of address space is allowed because of
      • Rather than storing kernel data for each process’s data structure, it stores pointers to data structures of other process
    • Linux refers to both of process and thread as tasks
  • Aside from the cloned process, Linux does not support multithreading, separate data structures.
  • Pthread implementations are available for user-level multithreading

Linux Threads

  • fork() and clone() system calls
  • Doesn’t distinguish between process and thread
  • Uses term task rather than thread
  • clone() takes options to determine sharing on process create
  • struct task_struct points to process data structures (shared or unique)

